Monday 8 October 2012

Rover Returns? Wintersett 08.10.12

A very cold and  misty morning here was brightened considerably by the sight of an AMERICAN  WIGEON  on Anglers CP lake, in front of the hide,  at 10.30 this morning.  Could it be the same bird that was here last winter? I took some quick record shots before all birds were flushed into middle of lake by workmen on the reserve.
American Wigeon           Record Shot    A. Smith
American Wigeon   Record Shot      A.Smith

    Also present:  Kingfisher 1,  Snipe 1.


  1. yes, would expect it to be the same bird. Well done anyway.

  2. If he's been with his lady friend all summer then I suppose we should take a closer look at some of the younger birds!


  3. This bird is plastic or has escaped from a wildfowl collection - thats unless it turns up at Edderthorpe or in the Broomhill area then of course it will be a real one.

  4. Thanks John.

    Looks like we'll be playing wigeon spot the difference Steve.

    It's difficult to tell what tone you write in Chris. Remember that ultimately - we're all on the same side.


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