Sunday 28 October 2012

Wintersett round-up

Another good day here at the res, the highlight being the Velvet Scoters below but there was also;- Egyptian Goose 3, American Wigeon 1 adult drake very close views feeding on Botany Bay at one time just a yard from a juvenile Scaup, Shelduck 8, Pintail 2, Common Scoter 1 juv CP, Goosander 3, Peregrine 1 juv, Water Rail at least 5 present,
And viz-mig highlights;- Pink-feet 88 in 2 skeins east, Dunlin 6 in total, Swallow 1, Fieldfare 1930 west, Redwing 2050 west, Starling 2350 west, Brambling 39 west, Crossbill 2 west,

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