Saturday 27 October 2012

Wintery Wintersett

0.5 degrees at dawn and a freezing northerly wind blasting us head-on up on the viz-migging hill. Whooper Swan 7 on the top res at dawn and a further 2 dropped on to the park lake at 07.30. Pink-feet 150 west and 43 east, Egyptian Goose 3 on CP, Pintail 1, Scaup 1 on Botany Bay (fantastic views), Common Scoter 1 juv on CP, American Wigeon drake in NE corner of top res (very close views from road), Redshank 1, Jackdaw at least 1200 left the Haw Park roost at dawn, Water Rail 2.
And highlights of the vis-mig counts;- Golden Plover 39, Great Crested Grebe 1 high south!, Wood Pigeon 3900 south, Redwing 1215, Fieldfare 260, Swallow 1, Jay 10, Buzzard 2south + 6 locals, Skylark 8,
And finally insects;- Migrant Hawker 2, Common Darter 2, Red Admiral 1, Speckled Wood 1.

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