Sunday 4 November 2012

Bolton Ings - 4th November

A cold one this morning, 0c at 8 oclock and only 3c at 11.30, little wind and quite misty. Very quiet birdwise, a single Goldeneye my first of the winter being the highlight. No limping Oystercatcher, very few Geese and no raptors at all seen. A few more dabbling ducks than last week but the Pochard never came out of the reeds. Full list:- Grey Heron 4, Mute Swan 9, Canada Goose 28, Comorant 8, Great Crested Grebe 1, Little Grebe 3, Mallard 23, Gadwall 61, Shoveler 15, Teal 13, Tufted Duck 24, Pochard 20, Goldeneye 1, Coot 216, Moorhen 16, Lapwing 10, Snipe 4, Black Headed Gull 32, Common Gull 2, Green Woodpecker 2, Great Spotted Woodpecker 1, Jay 4, Fieldfare 15, Redwing 30.

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