Thursday 15 November 2012

Carlton Marsh

This morning - A Woodcock was flushed from a footpath nearby at 08.30hrs (Keith Bannister) 
A Little Owl was languishing on a lorry chassis (Lidster's Yard) Blackbird c20, Redwing 15, Wood Pigeon c250 south.  Then 120 Pink Feet flew NW 11.15hrs followed by 20 N 11.30hrs and 60 N 12.00hrs. (Dave Smith)

This afternoon - Kingfisher, Cormorant, 3 Water Rails and a ringed adult Black Headed Gull (left leg) which was too distant to read.

Another mild night last night produced 3 moths Silver Y, Blair's Shoulder Knot and The Chestnut in my garden trap. 

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