Friday 30 November 2012

fridays roosters

Bittern - Keith Pickering. Photographed from the Bittern Hide, where else?
One Bittern showed at the Reedbeds this afternoon and three eventually came in to roost. Additionally a (presumably the) 'cream crown' Marsh Harrier roosted on Reedbed 5. Other birds at Old Moor today included Little Egret, 17+ Goosander, Barn Owl and 2 Brambling at the feeders, one of which is pictured below.
Brambling - Keith Pickering
22 Waxwings were seen today at Overdale Road, Wombwell and at least 13 remained at Springwood Road, Hoyland, roosting tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Reported at Broomhill this aft - jack snipe in flight and little egret.
    Little egrets and ice covered ponds; it just dunt add up does it.


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