Monday 19 November 2012


Today I fulfilled my second greatest wish connected to my duties at Stainborough - I found a Hawfinch!  (First prize obviously would be to find them breeding.)  The bird seemed quite settled - I watched it from 12.15 to 13.00 and it was only out of sight for a couple of minutes at a time and I don't think it ever left the tree.  It is near the castle in a tall sycamore on the northern edge of the gardens.  I put Gary Lee onto it and he is leaving maps marked with an X at the admissions desk.  Incidentally Gary's last record was three years ago and in the same tree!
I also found a Willow Tit in the parkland and apparently this is a good record for the site.


  1. Great news, hopefully that's something to do in what's looking like a long winter ahead of us.

  2. So presumably people are allowed on the site now Ian? They didn't used to be.

  3. Cliff - anyone with £4.95 is allowed into the gardens 11am to 3pm - 10 to 4 weekends. £3.95 over 60's.


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