Tuesday 27 November 2012

Ruddy good news

No don't worry, not about to let out any avian secrets, just some news on the Bittern front. Firstly, one roosted tonight at the Reedbeds. Also present, Little Egret, Barn and Tawny Owl. Meanwhile, at least 40 Waxwings remain at Stairfoot Retail Park.

Many of you will be aware that the incredible record of nesting Bitterns at the Reedbeds this year was assisted by the release of around 1,000 Rudd during March. The great news is that several thousand more are to be released there before the next breeding season. The Rudd are from a fish farm in Nottinghamshire and release began again yesterday as Kate Thorpe's excellent photos below illustrate.


  1. It's great to see positive action to promote further breeding. Hope I get to see the Bitterns next year. Dipped every visit this year!

  2. Within reason - if you want it in the Dearne Valley you can have it.
    If the effort is put into the valley it always produces the goods.
    The RSPB wanted breeding bittern and they got breeding bittern.
    This has been a fantastic achievement by the RSPB. Probably the most important bird news in the Dearne Valley in my lifetime.

    But in recent history bittern is not a species that has been associated with the valley. There are however a number of other species that could be described as traditional species. The management of the valley should target these species so their populations are maintained or increased e.g. in winter Whooper Swan, Teal.
    The same amount of effort given to bitterns should also be channelled towards the more traditional species of the valley.


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