Tuesday 6 November 2012

Ruddy Gunners - Update

From Pete Smith:
The aftermath of the havoc caused on Anglers CP lake this morning by DEFRA officials going on the lake before dawn, flushing everything, including the entire gull roost,  has had a profound and devastating effect.  NOT A SINGLE GULL roosted on the lake tonight.  Local birders were left watching empty water where there should have been thousands of gulls,  (and hopefully the Caspian Gull returning).
This is not good PR for DEFRA as they continue to squander tax payers' money.   A sniper rifle with a silencer would be far  cheaper, more effective,  and less damaging to all the other birds.

1 comment:

  1. This demonstrates just how devastating one incident of shooting can have on a site.
    It has long been suspected that shooting at Broomhill affects not just Broomhill Flash and Wombwell Ings but the whole of the Dearne Valley for a much longer period than just at the time of the shooting.
    Wintersett will soon recover when Defra pack up and leave.
    Broomhill and the rest of the Dearne Valley will not recover until shooting ceases once and for all on that particular site.


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