Saturday 17 November 2012

The Cliff on Rabbit Ings

My thoughts are; that it's not the population of rodents that is the important consideration on Rabbit Ings - it is the habitat that allows rodents to be abundant that is important.

We have at the side of every wetland area along the Dearne Valley huge areas of ex-colliery spoil heaps that if managed correctly would enable farmland/grassland bird species to become much more abundant e.g. owls, harriers, skyark, meadow pipit,  quail, yellowhammer, grey partridge etc etc.

Edderthorpe Ings - Cudworth Common. Park Spring Tip
Houghton Washland - Houghton Main Tip
Broomhill / Old Moor - Bolton Tip
Adwick - Bolton Common Tip
Unfortunately after the demise of the mining industry there was a mad rush to 'green' the valley. Consequently all of these spoil heaps were rapidly top soiled and blanketed with trees without much thought.

It is up to local birders to point out to the RSPB, Barnsley Council and Forestry Commission that these sites should be managed more effectively for the benefit of birds.
Which of course means a bit of tweaking to remove large swathes of trees and carry out a bit of re-landscaping to create grassland and heathland habitats.
Not many river valleys have such massive ex-colliery spoil heaps running along the length of them like the Dearne Valley has.
Huge benefits could be gained in the valley if these areas were managed for birds.
It would be great to have more owls and harriers using the valley.
It is up to you to push this.


  1. I couldn't agree more Chris, I and my colleages have spent the past 30years removing trees and scrub just to try and keep open views over the reserve. Too many were planted at Carlton Marsh,its more like Carlton Woods now! Yes it has brought in a lot of new species, but half the time 'we cant see the wood for the trees.' I am still passionate about the place though and working with Trevor Mayne and Russ Boland is a real bonus.

  2. I think the initiative for ex-colliery spoil heaps, like most conservation issues along the Dearne Valley, should emanate from the offices at Old Moor. But it doesn't.
    There are plans to re-shape Cudworth Common to make it more bird friendly - but this is a Forestry Commission initiative and NOT a RSPB one.
    Bolton Tip at the side of Bolton Ings and Old Moor Nature Reserves could become a great addition to the Dearne Valley conservation area. The ironic thing about it - is that it is owned by Barnsley Council.
    These ex-colliery spoil heaps cover huge areas. I think Rabbit Ings is an example of what could be achieved in the valley.


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