Monday 19 November 2012

Wintersett 19.11.12

Damp, grey and breezy today.
Anglers CP: Peregrine  1 adult flew south.   American Wigeon  1 drake,  Pintail 1 juvenile male, Canada Goose 30,  Goosander 15,  Egyptian Goose 1 +2 WRes..
Wintersett Res: Snipe 20 over,  Scaup 1 juvenile male.   1 adult female  Scaup on Botany Bay.


  1. After we left you this morning we stopped at the junction of Pits wood lane & Station Road to look at a dead sycamore on the Pits Wood side. Ralph had previously seen an interesting cluster fungi on the tree. It's a nice example of Velvet Shank (Flammulina velutipes)

  2. Thanks Cliff. I'll make a point of looking for it tomorrow.


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