Monday 26 November 2012

Wintersett 26.11.12

Early mist cleared by drizzle and light winds by 10.00Heavier rain started 1.00pm.
Anglers CP:  Female Long-tailed Duck  and drake American Wigeon.
We don't get many waders dropping in here so drama of the day was when a Dunlin flew around the lake before landing on the islands in front of the hide.  As it flew between islands a sparrowhawk swooped in.  The Dunlin dropped into the water but the sparrowhawk persisted and carried it off to have as an early lunch.
Wintersett Res: A flock of c60 Chaffinch feeding on the north bank also contained a Brambling.  All 3 Egyptian Geese were in the same field.  Male and juv. male Scaup still hereFemale Scaup on Botany. Goosander 5 + 10 ACP  and Water Rail 1 + 1ACP.

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