Friday 7 December 2012

Black-head recovery & Massing Waxwings

Just received info of an adult Black-headed Gull with a white darvic (26A4) that was at Worsbrough res on 25th October and also Broomhill a few days prior. Details below:

This bird was ringed by Cotswold Waterpark RG as age nestling, sex unknown
on 09-Jun-2011 at Cokes Pit, Somerford Keynes, Gloucestershire
OS Map reference SU0295, co-ordinates 51deg 39min N 1deg 58min W.

Waxwings were refuelling at Tesco petrol station (Stairfoot) again this morning,
and had built to c.400, although this estimate is thought to be conservative.
There were 259 + when I arrived, and I was toldthat c.200 had flown SW before

259 Waxwing - only part of the flock

Waxwings refuelling
There were also 10 waxwing in Royston this morning.


  1. Where exactly were the waxwings in Royston please

  2. The waxwings were in the trees opposite the High Street Store. Couldn't see any berries nearby


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