Sunday 2 December 2012

Bolton Ings - 2nd December

Yet another glorious Sunday morning, clear blue skies, little wind but cold -1c at 9am when I started out. Lots of ice about, the western pool about 90% frozen and only 24 Coot and 22 Mallard on the open water. The eastern pool about 75% frozen but that meant all the wildfowl were out of the reeds and on the open water and easier to count. The highlights have been posted so straight on with the full list:- Grey Heron 2, Little Egret 1, Mute Swan 8, Whooper Swan 3 east @ 10.25, Canada Goose 2, Cormorant 1, Great Crested Grebe 1, Little Grebe 4, Mallard 47, Teal 28, Gadwall 73, Shoveler 13, Shelduck 1, Tufted Duck 15, Pochard 60, Goldeneye 2, Goosander 3, Coot 251, Moorhen 10, Redshank 1, Green Sandpiper 1, Snipe 3, Black Headed Gull 59, Common Gull 9, Herring Gull 5 north, Kestrel 1, Jay 1, Green Woodpecker 3, Grey Wagtail 1, Fieldfare 5, Redwing c50.
Had a couple of hours later on Old moor mainly on the reedbeds but a quick look on mere produced 16 Goosander (pre roost), 1 Goldeneye and 2 Redshank on the ice. A Goldcrest and a Kingfisher from field pool west and 2 Bitterns and at least 4 Water Rails on the reedbeds.

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