Monday 3 December 2012

ho ho ho

Photograph, courtesy of - missus Sid
Just a reminder to everybody that the deadline for bookings for the Barnsley birders Christmas bash is this Thursday evening at the Barnsley Bird Study Group meeting at the Old Moor Centre. The event will take place at the Old Moor Tavern, Broomhill at 7pm on Monday 17th December and is proving to be popular. Remember, to secure you're place you must have paid a £5 deposit  per head and given you're choice from the menu. If you require further details please contact John Hewitt


  1. Dunt he look lovely.
    Sat theer like one of Santa's little helpers.
    If I were a bird, I'd marry him.


  2. It seems that if I turned up; one or two on here might choke on their brussel sprouts.
    Heheheheh !!!


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