Sunday 16 December 2012

Sunday Smew 16.12.12

Anglers CP is the place to be today.  Blue sky, sunny and very mild.  Lots of birders and photographers.
The drake Smew is paying his weekly visit.  Female  Long-tailed duck,  drake American  Wigeon, all 3 male Scaup (2 1st winters) and 3 Egyptian Geese are all here.
Also here: Teal 75,  Wigeon 322, Pochard 179,  Lapwing 22, Litle Grebe 3, Shoveler 1 male, Kingfisher,  Green Woodpecker,  Snipe 2 and 380 Canada Geese.
Wintersett Res: Yachts and fishermen!

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