Sunday 2 December 2012

Wintersett 02.12.12

Hard frost, sunny, light wind.
Wintersett Res: Male SMEW  to 11.00 then flew to Anglers when boats came out. Green Sandpiper 1 south at 09.48hrs ,  Redshank 1 over at 11.06hrs,  Herring Gull 100 N,   Water Rail 3,    Egyptian  Goose 3, 
Anglers CP: Female Long-tailed Duck,  Drake American Wigeon, Teal 37 + 9 WRes.,
4 Scaup still in the area.  1 ACP and 3 W Res. 
Haw Park Wood: Crossbill 3 near the entrance.
Cold Hiendley Res: Tufted Duck 221.

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