Tuesday 4 December 2012

Wintersett 04.12.12

Cold, damp, sunny start but clouded over by midday.
The muddy trudge this morning ended nicely with a flock of  10 Crossbills, (at least 2 were male) and a flock of 30 Siskins near the entrance to Haw Park Wood.
The highlight this afternoon was a 1st winter CASPIAN GULL in the WRes. roost.
Anglers CP: Drake American Wigeon,  female Long-tailed Duck,  1st winter male Scaup. 27 Cormorant.
Wintersett Res: Male Smew,  2 Scaup - a male and a juv. male,  3 Egyptian Goose,  Buzzard 1.

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