Wednesday 30 January 2013

Wintersett 30.01.13

Mild, 7 degrees,  sunny spells and a strengthening west wind this morning.  Heavy rain showers and strong gusty wind this afternoon.
Anglers CP:  The female Long-tailed Duck has returned after an absence of two days.  The Egyptian Goose flew onto the lake from the north bank of WRes.  19 Snipe and a Dunlin were seen this afternoon.
Wintersett Res: The drake and 2 redhead Smew were present, as were the 2 male Scaup.  Pochard 46.
Cold Hiendley Res: A redhead Smew was down at the far end of the Res.
Anglers CP Gull Roost: The 1st W Caspian Gull, (Polish ringed),  flew in at 15.23hrs.  13 Cormorants were present.   3 Bitterns roosted in the reedbeds at dusk.


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