Wednesday 16 January 2013

Wintersett - Foggy Duo Fly 16.01.13

Minus 4 degrees and foggy.  Surprisingly Anglers CP lake was clear of ice!  WRes. was no more than a third ice and even Botany Bay had a small pool of open water.  CHRes, however was pretty much frozen. 
Wintersett Res: 2 male Scaup,  4 Teal.  A Tawny Owl was calling in the Willow Wood.
On Anglers CP  both Long-tailed Ducks were reported this morning, but were seen flying in the fog, over WRes at 10.40hrs,   before, thankfully, heading back to ACP where they were spotted again this afternoon.  Also on ACP were 89 Greylag Geese and  2 Little Grebe + 2 WRes.
The 1st W Caspian Gull flew into ACP roost at  16.05hrs. The roost also held 223 Herring Gulls and 44 Great Black-backed Gulls.

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