Thursday 17 January 2013

Wintersett Gull Roost and One Marvellous Minute 17.01.13

Anglers Gull Roost tonight held the 1st W Caspian Gull,that came in at 16.10hrs,  and showed well in front of the hide. Also present were a 3rd W Yellow-legged Gull,  208 Herring Gull, 65 Great Black-backed Gull and 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull.
And then ..  after leaving the gull roost and reaching the car park we (PS, KD) had one marvellous minute just before 17.00hrs. First a Woodcock came flying past, closely followed by a Long-eared Owl hunting along the field hedgerow. Then, to finish off - a Bittern was heard calling, as it flew over WRes. in the falling snow, a call only usually heard as they leave their wintering sites.  Here endeth a brilliant day, but it poses a question.  Has the Bittern departed or just relocated to another reedbed?   Until tomorrow .........
Bittern                    Kev Denny

Bittern                Kev Denny

Bittern            Kev Denny

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