Sunday 17 February 2013

Bolton Ings - 17th February

A late start this morning following previous 2 nights alcohol intake, a bright sunny day with a temp. of 3c at 10.30 following heavy overnight frost had risen to 10c by mid afternoon. Both ponds about 50% ice early on but all had gone by mid day. Good counts of diving duck today, 2 Goldeneye, Shelduck and the first Oystercatcher of the year were the best birds. Black Headed Gulls more vocal as they prepare for nesting. Full list :- Mute Swan 8, Canada Goose 17, Grey Lag Goose 9, Cormorant 1, Great Crested Grebe 1, Little Grebe 2, Mallard 8, Gadwall 71, Teal 8, Shoveler 8, Wigeon 4, Shelduck 1, Tufted Duck 45, Pochard 44, Goldeneye pair, Goosander 1, Coot 160, Moorhen 9, Oystercatcher 1, Lapwing 1, Black Headed Gull 455, Common Gull 13, Jay 4, Kestrel 2, Green Woodpecker 1.

Saw the Smew on the Wader Scrape from the old railway line and then went onto Old Moor at 4 oclock. 11 Goldeneye on the Main Marsh was a good sight, another 2 females were on the Mere. There was a Redshank on the Wader Scrape and the Little Egret roosted on the Willow Pool. 57 Goosanders roosted tonight, all on the Wader Scrape apart from 2 on the Mere. Didn't see the Smew, back on the Reedbeds apparently.

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