Saturday 16 February 2013

Carlton Marsh

To say it has been a difficult week is an under statement. Last Saturday and today access to the railway embankment has been barb-wired off and signs put up saying its private land by adjacent landowners! Some of us have been waking this path for 40 years. Its now up to BMBC to sort out this long running dispute.

Les Corrall & Lucy Cheetham
On a more positive theme the lovely Lucy Cheetham and the not so lovely Mick Birkinshaw from the Groundwork Trust & Jackie & Ben from the The Dearne Valley Green Heart project, came to inform the general public about the Nature Improvement Area and what's been acheived already in tems of water quality. This event, held in the car park area, went well and without interference.

Wildlife sightings over the past few days have included; 12th 8 Snipe & 5 Water Rails. 15th Weasel, Water Vole, 3 Buzzards, a mixed flock of mainly Redpolls & Siskins & Coal Tit singing, 16th Little Owl, Buzzard & 2 Treecreepers .

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