Tuesday 19 February 2013

Carlton Marsh

Barbed wire fences were removed this morning by BMBC Rangers with a police escort!

Starting with yesterday, 6 Waxwings were seen in Valley Park, Cudworth. (Dave Standish)

Highlights for Carlton Marsh today were: 3 Buzzards, Cormorant, Kingfisher and 4 Mute Swans. As the light began to fade a Fox walked in front of the hide and moments later a Water Vole swam across the 'scrape'. It's great to see them making a comeback here.

Earlier Chris Parkin found the first flowers of Blackthorn and Coltsfoot, a sure sign that we are gradually heading towards spring.

Buzzard (Rod Heeley)

15 Whooper Swans west over Carlton at 09.05hrs (Dave Smith) almost certainly flew over the reserve? They appear to be heading home early this year.

I spent the early afternoon on Cudworth Common where I found a Ringed Plover near the Symphony factory. (Ivan had it the other day here) Also present in the warm sunshine were Green Woodpecker, a singing Red Legged partridge and 3 Siskin.

Ferrymoor Flash had at least 18 Tufted Ducks, a female Goosander and 5 Redwings.  A ringed adult Black Headed Gull was just too far away to be able to read the ring with binnoculars.

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