Sunday 17 February 2013

mud, glorious mud!

With most of the coverage at Old Moor (Smew, 4 Oystercatchers, Green Sand) I decided to get some real mud on my wellies to cover the recent coating of West Yorkshire clay. Wombwell Ings first where apart from the bits already mentioned the Little Egret remained.

The Little Egret on Wombwell Ings - Dave Pickering
Then it was onto Bolton for a four hour trudge through the fields, tip and Ings. Not many birds but the mud made it worthwhile! A small flock of 20 Skylarks in the 'Goldie fields' and a couple of Reed Buntings were all I could find below bush level - not a Linnet in sight. The bushes weren't  great either, 10 Goldfinch, a couple of Siskin and a pair of Goldcrests displaying. A few Herring Gulls and the odd GBB flew south pre-roost time. Have they deserted West Yorkshire too? A Green Woodpecker on the telegraph poles was about the last bird worthy of mention (just!) apart from the counts on Bolton Ings itself which should be with you shortly when the Barnsley Blade sobers up.

Pager news: Rough-legged Buzzard1mile west of Wharncliffe Side at Spout House Hill over Tinker Brook/Bent Hills Lane at 2.20pm then flew east. Not too sure where this is but if it isn't in our area it must be just outside? The moorland knowledge is in India at the moment! Definitely out of our area but of interest 54 Whooper Swans flew west over Orgreave Lagoon early evening. So with 14 at Broomhead also, it looks like Whoopers are (or at least were) on the move. Keep looking up!

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