Sunday 24 February 2013

welcome back!

As promised the main news provider is back from his non-birding trip to Venice! -Old Moor highlights today: Bittern 'booming' + Smew Reedbeds, 19 Goldeneye (total), 6 Oytercatchers, Ringed Plover, Green Sandpiper Wader Scrape, 65 GBB Gulls north this morning, 3 Brambling, 55 Tree Sparrows at feeders. Wombwell Ings: Little Egret.

Photo below taken yesterday. Is this possibly the Bretton bird? I know it (or another) was seen at Bretton yesterday too but it's not far for a Smew to fly. Anyone know the answer?

Smew at Cawthorne yesterday - Nick Mallinson

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