Saturday 9 February 2013

Wintersett, Saturday

No sign of the Great Northern Diver today but the drake Scaup and redhead Smew remain on the Top Res and the female Long-tailed Duck is on the Country Park. Ninety-eight Goosanders were on the CP at dusk. Two skeins of Pink-feet, 65 west and 100 north-west, a Dunlin south and a Redshank on the CP. Six Crossbills are in Haw Park. The gull roost on the Country Park again held eight species with the highlights;- Glaucous Gull yesterdays first-winter came in again and eventually showed very well sitting on the rocks in front of the hide, the usual first-winter Caspian Gull also eventually came close to the hide, the usual third-winter Yellow-legged Gull, GBBGull 61, LBBGull 6 and Herring Gull 250. And finally a Bittern was roosting in the Top Res reedbeds at dusk.

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