Sunday 31 March 2013

Bolton Ings et al - 31st March

Paid my first visit to Bolton Ings for three weeks following my break in Spain, nothing much changed really. -1c at 9 oclock this morning but with no wind and sunny skies didn't feel too bad, soon clouded over though and easterly wind picked up, it was freezing. Only change birdwise were 3 Chiffchaffs, 2 singing males on Warbler Way and a third bird not singing or calling. Full list :- Grey Heron 1, Mute Swan 4, Canada Goose 23, Grey Lag Goose 28, Cormorant 1, Great Crested Grebe 4, Little Grebe 15+, Mallard 25, Wigeon 16, Shoveler 12, Teal 8, Gadwall 43, Tufted Duck 40, Pochard 19, Coot 110, Moorhen 8, Oystercatcher 5, Black Headed Gull 390, Common Gull 5, Kestrel 1, Chiffchaff 3.

Following Bolton went onto Wombwell Ings to look for yesterdays LRP's, no luck but did see 2 Avocets in front of hide. After about 30 mins. they flew off towards Old Moor. Also on Wombwell were 3 Shelduck, 1 Little Egret, 2 Redshank, 2 Snipe and a calling Chiffchaff. Best bird of day was a Red Kite that flew over my head as I was leaving but I didnt see it untill it was a spec over Cat Hill after being alerted by the finder who saw it from his car near the Old Moor Tavern.

Onto Broomhill Flash next where the best birds were 2 Pink Footed Geese and 9 Goldeneye (3 Drakes).

Finally Old Moor where the Bittern was booming loudly and frequently, I could hear it from the Bolton today. Mere first where the adult Mediterranean Gull was on island 1, 14 Goldeneye were on the Main Marsh (2 drakes, 3 imm. drakes and 9 females), the second adult Mediterranean Gull was on the Wader Scrape sporting its Darvic ring. As suspected yesterday it is the juvenile from 2010, Yellow Darvic 2E26 on its left leg, lets hope it finds a mate this year, in fact lets hope they both do. As previously reported by Martin Wells this bird was present at Old Moor last year from the 3rd May to the 4th July and was still at Seaforth on the 24th February this year. The 2 Avocets from Wombwell were also now on the Wader Scrape. I had a walk onto the Reedbeds hoping to see a Bittern but didnt but did flush a Water Rail from the path. Finally as I was now really freezing I counted 20 Goosanders on the Wader Scrape and a Barn Owl was hunting along the river.

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