Friday 22 March 2013

Map of Barnsley Bird Study Group Recording Area

After recent misunderstandings here is a photo of the BBSG recording area from the 1992 report.  Can someone from the old guard check to make sure this is still current please?   This map could also do with updating to show/name all the birding sites.  Anyone?


  1. The recording area has been extended a little to the east to include Adwick washlands which is in the Barnsley Met boundary anyway.

  2. Thanks. I'm not sure who collates the BBSG reports but perhaps they could post an up to date map.

  3. Also some extension around Wharncliffe Side and Cowell Flat, as well as Spout House Wood (as I noticed from a posting while I was away). Don't know whether this is official but records from these areas have apperared in reports dating from 2009.


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