Tuesday 26 March 2013

The Edge

Bolton Ings late AM-On the open water were 3 Little Grebe, 4 adut+1juv Mute Swan,15 Canada Geese, 4 Greylag, 87 Gadwall, 17 Tufted Duck, 11 Pochard, 12 Wigeon, 2 Shoveler, 5 Mallard, 3 Teal, 366 BH Gull, 5 Common Gull and 2 LBB Gull. Also present 5 flyover Cormorant, 2 Oysercatcher, 1 Bullfinch and 1 Green Woodpecker.

Wombwel Ings early PM- On the open water were 1juv Mute Swan, 4 Gadwall, 2 Tufted Duck and 1 Shelduck. Most bird activity was on the land at the eastern end with 92 Canada Geese, 4 Greylag, 2 Pink Footed Geese, 45 Wigeon, 15 Teal, 12 Mallard, 80+ BH Gull, 4 Common Gull, 1 Oystercatcher, 1 singing Skylark and a flock of c10 Linnet.

Broomhill Flash mid PM- On the water were 2 Little Grebe, 2 Whooper Swan, 4f+1m Goldeneye (8 early AM -M.Rushton), 10 Pochard, 5 Tufted Duck, 2 Shelduck, 100+ BH Gull, 2 LBB Gull and 2 Common Gull. Also noted were 56 Wigeon, 1m flyover Goosander, 2 Kestrel and 1 Sparrowhawk.

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