Thursday 25 April 2013

Black Grouse hanging on......

Decided on a early morning visit to Ewden to see how/if the Black Grouse are doing. A solitary male Blackcock was lekking with himself out on the moor viewed from Barnside. His loud bubbling calls could be clearly heard drifting over the moors, so if any other birds are still up here they chose to ignore him. By 06.30 he'd presumably had enough and flew off over the moors, so if you want to see this you probably have to be here early! Lots of displaying Curlews and a singing Cuckoo made for a enjoyable dawn.


  1. did you view from the ewden height track?

  2. There is at least one female up there.

  3. Park up at top of hill before dropping down into Ewden Valley and walk up track along edge of wood (stoop brow I think its called) then view across valley from track. Bird was lekking in rough grass field.


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