Sunday 14 April 2013

Bolton Ings et al - 14th April

An early start this morning, spent an hour looking for the Red Throated Diver to no avail, it had been present earlier. Weather certainly different today, 14c at 8 am rising to 18c early afternoon, but a gale force southerly wind which made it difficult to stand still never mind count stuff. However birding picked up slightly, I saw my first Willow Warblers, Swallows and Sand Martins of the year. Good Webs counts of Tufted Duck and Gadwall and my highest ever count of Black Headed Gulls - 1478 - first time I have had more than a thousand and nearly double last weeks count of 810. Full list :- Mute Swan 3, Canada Goose 18, Grey Lag Goose 12, Cormorant 5, Great Crested Grebe 3, Little Grebe 7, Mallard 12, Gadwall 109, Wigeon 10, Shoveler 1 drake, Teal pair, Tufted Duck 61, Pochard 16, Goldeneye 1 female, Coot 83, Moorhen 3, Oystercatcher 2, Black Headed Gull 1478, Common Gull 1, LBB Gull 3, Kestrel 1, Sparrowhawk 1, Jay 2, Chiffchaff 12 singing, Willow Warbler 3 singing, Meadow Pipit 2, Swallow 2, Sand Martin 7.

Other news today, now 3 Mediterranean Gulls present, the new bird being an unrung adult male, females desperately needed. Bittern still booming but not heard much today in wind, a Ruff and a Dunlin was on the Main Marsh spit.

Wombwell Ings - Black Tailed Godwit, Curlew, Ringed Plover 7, Little Ringed Plover 6, Dunlin 1 and Redshank 14.

At dusk on Old Moor - Bittern booming, Goosander 13, GBB Gull 7, Black Headed Gull 4500 and Fieldfare 2.

Webs count snippets - Tufted Duck 234 and Gadwall 220.

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