Wednesday 17 April 2013

Cliff Wood

A very windy and cool morning were probably contributory factors to the relatively small number of resident birds that were singing today. Nevertheless the following were noted holding breeding territories :- Moorhen (a pair), Woodpigeon (3), Great Spotted Woodpecker (1), Jackdaw (two pairs), Great Tit (4), Blue Tit (5), Long-tailed Tit (2), Blackbird (2), Mistle Thrush (1), Robin (6), Wren (2), Nuthatch (1+), Treecreeper (2), Chaffinch (8) and Greenfinch (1)
Also recorded were:- 1 Woodcock, 1 male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker and 1 Willow Warbler (surprisingly the only migrant).

Mammals:- 1 Bank Vole, 1 Wood Mouse, 1 Brown Hare (deceased) and 3+ Grey Squirrels.

NB The nestboxes are beginning to look shabby and many need replacing. Any DIYers fancing knocking some together?


  1. A good morning nonetheless! Where abouts is the entrance to Cliff Wood Martin?

  2. Over the dam wall at Langsett towards Upper Midhope. As you leave the dam wall there is a track to your right straight after the double bend. You can park your car there. Cross over the road taking the public footpath over the over (barred) style. the footpath takes you into Cliff Wood that is on your left. The Lesser Sported Woodpecker was in the silver birches on you right as you walk towards the iron gate at the dam wall.


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