Tuesday 2 April 2013

Crane pain!

A bit of excitement this morning when I received a phone call to say a bird as big as a human, possibly a Crane had been reported in the 'Goldie Fields' by a non-birder. Now that locality has serious form for Cranes and this is prime time, so off I sped but despite a good scan round the only thing I could see in the middle of a field was a human. Surely not? That could have been the end of it, however, when I returned to Broomhill late morning the original observer called in to inform me that the bird, whatever it might be, was still there. I couldn't overlook a Crane could I? He was obviously keen for someone else to see it and most helpfully offered to show me exactly where it was. A short while later and there it was, tucked under a fence disguised as a snowdrift. No wonder I couldn't find it!

Emu at the 'Goldie Fields'. Note the striking similarity to a snowdrift! 
Old Moor: Bittern booming still, 4 Avocets, 2 adult male Med' Gulls still, 7+ Brambling.

The Emu didn't look too well to me, maybe it's off to join Rod Hull?


  1. I need Emu for Yorkshire. We have Ostrich ont list at Old Denaby!"!!

  2. proof no doubt that these fields are special


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