Sunday 7 April 2013

Golden Plovers off the High Moorland

Further to my last posting. This is the third consecutive year that Golden Plovers have been recorded displaying at Stone Moor during the spring/early summer; and indeed a pair were reported to have bred in 2011. Additionally John McLoughlin has reported a pair holding a breeding territory in the Whitley Common area this year. Golden Plover have been recorded at the latter locality regularly during the late spring/early summer over the past thirty-five years or so, but these were always thought to be non-breeding/failed breeding birds.
The prefered breeding areas of the Golden Plover in South Yorkshire are the high 'grassland' moors with areas of spagum moss bog and cotton grass. I have, though, occasionally found them in areas of short heather. But do they breed at lower elevations, as the above records may suggest??

1 comment:

  1. I Don't think so Martin, they are birds of blanket bog, but like you say they do also nest on heather burns. It is the same as Wheatears and sometimes Short-eared owls hanging around in the lowlands until the end of May. But they don't breed.


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