Saturday 20 April 2013

Mediterranean feel to the day

Worsbrough reservoir - first Common Tern of the year briefly this morning.
Barrow tip - Tree Pipit feeding on top of pit stack. Highlight of the morning was an adult Mediterranean Gull which circled the sewage works at 10:55. This is the first record of this species in the valley since April 1992.
Not a bad morning for a lad that was in from clubbing at 04:30 this morning and back out at 08:00 birding! . . . us young'uns!

Main highlights over the past week
Swift - 1 on 17th was 5 days earlier than the earliest  record for the valley.
Goldeneye - pair on 15th.
Wheatear - Male on Barrow Tip on 15th.


  1. Ey tha'l wear the'sen awt before tha gits t' ma age yer young bugger

  2. So you clearly came home from clubbing alone and without a substantial amount of alcohol in your belly! Not something I'd be bragging about.


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