Monday 29 April 2013

Monday's migrants

Evening visit to Wombwell Ings with pretty much the same stuff as Jeff Wragg's earlier visit: Wigeon pair, LRP 4, RP 2, Redshank 10, Dunlin 5, Avocet 4, Common Sand 1, Yellow Wag 5, Pied Wag 19, White Wag 3.

News from Old Moor today: Bittern, Goosander 1, Avocet 7, Common Sand 2, Black-tailed Godwit 2, Sanderling 1, Arctic Tern 3 (morning), Med' Gull adult.

Edderthorpe: SE Owl this eve (NS/BB)

Barnsley Town End: still 30+ Waxwings in Blenhiem Road / Raceommon Road area today (Dave Standring).

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