Thursday 18 April 2013

Thursday, I think!

Evening visit to Wombwell Ings with the following different to earlier post: Goosander 3,Buzzard 4 (Canyon), LRP 4, Black-tailed Godwit 1, Common Tern 1, Arctic Tern 1, Swift 1, Swallow c200, Sand Martin c100, White Wagtail 14, Pied Wagtail 8, Yellow Wagtail 5, Meadow Pipit 10.

News from Old Moor: Bittern 1, Peregrine 1, Ruff 1, Knot 1, Avocet 1, Dunlin 1, Med' Gull 2, Lesser Whitethroat 1.

Additional for Adwick: White Wag' 17, Yellow Wag 12 including an apparent 'odd-ball' with with grey head, white super' and white throat.

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