Saturday 6 April 2013

Wintersett 06.04.13

3 degrees, sunshine, cold, but lighter, east wind.  Very noticeable increase in midges in sheltered areas.
Anglers CP: Female Long-tailed Duck,  Redshank 1,  Redwing 1,   Chiffchaff 1 male + 3 males WRes.,  Wigeon 224,  Pochard 12,  Goosander 8,  Teal 13 + 2 ORFlash,  Water Rail 1,  Snipe 8,  Great Black-backed Gull 3, Common Gull 4 adults and Greylag Goose 2.
Old Royston Flash: Pink-footed Goose 1.
Wintersett Res: Fieldfare 6.
Thanks to  Lynz Harston who sent these pictures of birds in fine fettle at the car park feeding station

Yellowhammer                                           Lynz Harston

Yellowhammer                                               Lynz Harston

Pied Wagtails                                   Lynz Harston

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