Monday 8 April 2013

Wintersett 08.04.13

Cold  ENE wind,  cloudy with some sunny spells.
Anglers CP: Female Long-tailed Duck,  Redshank 2 + 1 ORF,  , Woodcock 1,  3rd W Yellow-legged Gull  taking eggs,   Wigeon 101,  Redwing 140,  Siskin 1 over,  Meadow Pipit 55 in CP field + 13 in ruin field.  Chiffchaff males 3  + 9 W/CHRes  + 1 Walton Hall. 
Pol: Jack Snipe 1, Water Rail 1 and  Snipe  2 + 7 ACP
Stubbs Wood: Green Woodpecker
Walton Hall: Barnacle Goose
Wintersett Res: Greylag Goose 2,  Redpoll 8.  
Pits Wood: Nuthatch.
Moths & Butterflies: 2 Grey Shoulder Knot  were on the wall of the Visitor Centre and a Small Tortoiseshell was seen on Wintersett Res.

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