Sunday 14 April 2013

Wintersett 14.04.13

A very warm 12 degrees at 09.00hrs,  with a very strong southerly wind all morning.
Anglers CP: Female Long-tailed Duck still here.  New in today were a Common Sandpiper (first for  the year), and a female Pochard (first for a week), a Dunlin and a pair of Common  Scoter  + 1 female still present on CHRes.
Also here:  Shelduck 1.  3rd W Yellow-legged Gull , the 3rd W Lesser Black-backed Gull and 2 Great Black-backed Gulls,  Oystercatcher 4,   Barnacle Goose 1,  Redshank 1,  Willow Warbler 2 male + 1 CHRes. + 1 Haw Park Lane,  Siskin 1 over and  Water Rail 1. 
Wintersett Res: Fieldfare 71 + 35 ACP field,  Redwing 8 + 7ACP field.
Old Royston Flash: Pink-footed Goose 1,  Teal 3 + 3 ACP.
Moths ACP:  Oak Beauty 1 and  Engrailed 1.

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