Saturday 20 April 2013

Wintersett a.m. + p.m. updates + Ouzel pics 20.04.13

Anglers CP: 3rd W Yellow-legged Gull and 3rd W Lesser Black-backed Gull, Common Gull 1, Greylag Goose 6 + 2 over WRes,  Redshank 1,  Buzzard 3 up,  Wigeon 1 male,  Oystercatcher 5,   Snipe 2 + 1 WRes,  Water Rail 1
Vis. Mig.  Sand Martin 53 N,  House Martin 4 N, Golden Plover  80  in two flocks. (50 + 30).  Teal 8 flew NE,  Yellow Wagtail 3 N,   White Wagtail 3 (1 + 1 N at 10.30hrs and 1 dropped in at 10.38 and then left north at 11.15 hrs.  Dunlin 2 SE at 14.25.
Wintersett Res: Male Whitethroat 3 + 1 Disposal Point,  Shoveler 1 male and 1 female,  Redpoll 1,  Grasshopper Warbler 1 male,  Goldeneye 23 + 8 ACP,  Little Ringed Plover 1 over at 09.10 hrs + 1 ORF,  Fieldfare 8 flew west 09.26hrs  + 1 grounded ACP,   Redwing 2 flew west at 09.26 hrs,  Swift 1, Curlew 1 over at 07.00 hrs.
Ringing Station Notables: A retrapped adult Grasshopper Warbler  was breeding and ringed here on 15th May 2012  and has now returned to the same spot.  1 Redwing was ringed.
CHRes: Commmon Tern - 1st for the year .
Old Royston Flash:  Gadwall 2 2 Little Ringed Plover.
 Many thanks to visiting birder Stephen Mylan for sharing his photos of the Ring Ouzel here yesterday.

Ring Ouzel       19.04.13                       S.Mylan

Ring Ouzel     19.04.13                           S. Mylan

Arctic Tern   (ACP 19.04.13)                     K. Denny

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