Monday 29 April 2013

Wintersett 29.04.13

Sunny but with a cold west wind.
I'm as high as a kite on fresh air today, after spending 5 days in London, and the highlight for me today was the replacement bench on Wintersett Res., made by the very talented Mr Speight.  Thanks Graham it's just perfect!  
Wintersett Res: The brood of 11 Mallard ducklings are down to 2 +  a brood of  6 very small ducklings are on Walton Hall lake.   Goldeneye 2 + 4 ACP and Great Black-backed Gull 2 N. 
Anglers CP: Common Sandpiper 1
Cold Hiendley Res: 2 male Yellow Wagtail
Haw Park Wood: Redpoll 1, Siskin 2,  Goldcrest 1 male and Crossbill 4, (are they breeding here?).
Butterflies: A Green-veined White was near the boathouse and the first Orange Tip of the year was seen by John Baxter at CHRes.

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