Monday 1 April 2013

Wintersett a.m. 01.04.13

Yesterday was the coldest Easter on record  and it's still  cold and grey with a bitter east wind today.
Wintersett Res: Teal 5,  Greylag Goose 2 and Shoveler 3 male and 1 female.
Anglers CP:  Female Long-tail Duck,  Redwing 12, Wigeon 173,  Pochard 28,  Cormorant 3,  Great Black-backed Gull 4,  Lesser Black-backed Gull 2 adults,  Herring Gull 3,  Canada Goose 17 + 4 WRes.


  1. called in with RH & LC today Ange. At least 6 Siskin in Haw Park Wood.
    Watch out for a GBB Gull with colour ring. Didn't have scope but took a photo from hide. Bto ring left leg - dark colour ring right leg with white lettering. couldnt see clearly the first two digits. This was prabably right. The first letter was very vague. Anyway I have sent it off in cas they can find it out from this.

  2. Thanks Cliff. Will pass info to PS et al.


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