Monday 15 April 2013

Wintersett a.m. 15.04.13

Dry,  warm 12 degrees at 09.00hrs,  blustery SW wind.
Three highlights this morning:  A Black-necked Grebe in summer plumage on a very choppy Anglers lake.  A male Wheatear was in the CP field and another male was on the Disposal Point.  2 Yellow Wagtail were at Cold Hiendley SF.
Wintersett Res:  3 male Blackcap.
Anglers CP: Curlew 1 over at 08.10hrs.  Common Sandpiper 2,  Redshank 1,  Willow Warbler 6,  Siskin 1, Goosander 1  Wigeon 11, Cormorant 7,  3rd W Yellow-legged Gull and 3rd W Lesser Black-backed Gull.   There were no sightings of the female Long-tailed Duck recorded this morning.
No birding here this afternoon because we had a jaunt over to Flamborough to see the Baikal Teal. Grand!

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