Sunday 21 April 2013

Wintersett Bamb-Ouzel-ed 21.04.13

Sunny start but soon became cooler and overcast this morning.
Star bird today was the reappearance (?) of the Ring Ouzel  at 8.30hrs on the Pol.  It wasn't seen yesterday as far as we know.  However, it  put on a good show early to mid morning and then showed briefly at 15.05hrs.
Anglers CP: Common Sandpiper 1 + 1 WRes,  Goldeneye  26 (13 + 10 WRes + 3 CHRes),  Redpoll 1,  Wigeon 1 male,  Water Rail 1,  Swift 2 and Yellow Wagtail 1 female.
Wintersett Res:  Whitethroat 5 + 1 CHRes.    Grasshopper Warblers 4 reeling,  Reed Warbler 2,  Sedge Warbler 1 male,  Shoveler 1 male and 1 female, 
Old Royson Flash: Little Ringed Plover 2  Pink-footed Goose 1.
Ring Ouzel                            P Meredith
Ring Ouzel           P Meredith
Ring Ouzel                     K Denny

Ring Ouzel                         K Denny

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