Wednesday 24 April 2013

Wintersett Weds 24th April

Anglers CP – Ring Ousel on Pol, Shelduck 2, Pochard 1, YL Gull and LBB Gull pair, Common Sand 1, Curlew 1, Wigeon 1 drake, Dunlin 1 over, Snipe 1, Oystercatcher 6, Water Rail 1, Goldeneye 15, Siskin 1 over, Redpoll 1 over, Yellow Wagtail 1 north.

Wintersett Res – Arctic Term 1 early morning, Cormorant 3 SE, Goldeneye 7, Nuthatch 1 Pits Wood, Redpoll 1, Sedge Warbler 3 plus 3 CP, Swift 5, Reed Warbler 2. Bird of the day was a summer plumaged Grey Plover that flew towards the Country Park over the Top Res at 12.00 hrs.

Moths – Several of Common Quaker, Small Quaker, 2 Powdered Quaker, 1 Clouded Drab, 1 Early Tooth-striped. Its rather late for these kinds of numbers, which are more typical of March, illustrating the lateness of the spring.

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