Wednesday 1 May 2013

Barmngs - Langsett

Barmings - four pairs Lapwing and 1 singing Wheatear.
Swinden Lane - eighteen pairs of Lapwing, 2 'chippering' Snipe, two pairs Stock Dove and two pairs of Pied Wagtail.
Swinden Walls - 1 Cuckoo.
Langsett Reservoir - 13 Canada Geese, 1 Greylag x Canada Goose, 1 drake Teal, 5 Mallards, a pair of Moorhen and 6 Common Sandpipers.
Langsett -  a pair of Nuthatch in the car park.

6+ Rabbits on Swinden Lane and 2 Grey Squirrels at Langsett Reservoir..

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