Sunday 5 May 2013

Bolton Ings et al - 5th May

Warmest day of the year so far, 15c this morning rising to 19c this afternoon, but still a cool wind when sun not out. Birding today was hard work, highlights being first Cuckoo (heard only) and Sedge Warblers of the year. Plenty of Blackcaps and Whitethroats, Tufted Duck a healthy 78 and 4 species of wader, wow. Full list :- Mute Swan 3, Canada Goose 26 (+7y), Grey Lag Goose 15, Great Crested Grebe 5, Little Grebe 12, Mallard 8, Gadwall 25, Shoveler pair, Tufted Duck 78, Pochard 12, Coot 66, Moorhen 7, Lapwing 3, Redshank 1, Oystercatcher 5, Dunlin 1, Black Headed Gull 1088, Cuckoo 1, Kestrel 1, Jay 1, Green Woodpecker 1, Willow Tit 1, Sedge Warbler 6, Willow Warbler 8, Chiffchaff 4, Blackcap 13, Whitethroat 15, Reed Warbler 1.

Onto Wombwell Ings for the Spoonbill but no sign, I did see it yesterday for about an hour but it was asleep all the time and never moved. Birds I did see today included Shelduck 1, Avocet 3, Redshank 5, Ringed Plover 4, LRP 3, Dunlin 3, Oystercatcher 1, Yellow Wagtail 1, Mallard +8y.

Old Moor was very quiet today and the only birds of note I saw were 8 Avocets and 3 LRP's on the Wader Scrape and 1 LRP on the Main Marsh, a Cuckoo was calling but again I couldn't see it.

I finished at Edderthorpe where the Spoonbill was present as posted by Graham earlier along with 11 Avocets.

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