Monday 13 May 2013

Monday evening update

Evening visit to Old Moor, nothing new, but new for me. Highlights: 2 Bitterns (male 'booming', female in flight), Hobby (caught a Swift, + several sightings through day), 2 LRP, 2 Dunlin , Sanderling on Mere (third day), 2 Common Tern, c500 Swifts, c100 Swallows, c50 House Martins, Cuckoo male. A Pink-footed Goose was also seen earlier on Wath Ings and at least two Med' Gulls were on The Mere.

The 'Wombwell Waterhen' reported Hobby and a Wheatear on the Ings whilst both the Common and Arctic Tern were still on Broomhill Flash this evening, a nice shot of the latter below taken by John Seeviour.

And another from Jim Thompson:

And lastly no sign of the Black-necked Grebe on Bolton Ings.

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